
I gained grades that I had previously found unobtainable at other establishments and matured into roles of responsibility that had never previously interested me.

Ben Goodchild

Not only did I improve academically thanks to the brilliant teachers and support, but I also developed as a person and became a more well-rounded and motivated individual.

Oliver Kensington-Rothschild

Without Teesside Sixth Form I wouldn’t have achieved the grades that I did. I got into my first choice university and I am now studying in Edinburgh, Teesside High gave me the confidence to achieve this.

Lucy Home

Teesside High Sixth Form gave me the confidence to step out of my comfort zone and explore things that I never would have explored at my previous school. This has significantly helped mould me into the person that I am today.

Jake Majid

The personal support you are given from the teachers is unlike any other school or college.

Annie Wright

I gained grades that I had previously found unobtainable at other establishments and matured into roles of responsibility that had never previously interested me.

Ben Goodchild

The Reception and Nursery are unbelievably nurturing and my son loves coming to school and his teacher.

Reception Parent

My daughter has settled here so quickly. She really enjoys it, and we are heartened by the ‘extra mile’ her class teacher seems to go to engage her in her learning’

Year 4 Parent

I am delighted that my three children have settled here so quickly and have been so carefully nurtured by the staff.

Year 7 Parent

I loved the school ski trip, the teachers were great fun. Best Holiday ever!!!

Year 8 Boy

I like the small class sizes here the teachers are able to give me lots of help.

Year 8 Girl

The sport here is fantastic, we have great teamwork.

Year 9 Boy