


In Years 7 to 9, the English curriculum provides a solid foundation of skills in core areas, facilitating progress towards GCSE. Students are encouraged to pursue a love of reading, through the introduction to a range of modern and classical texts across different genres, including authors from the literary canon.  At least one Shakespeare play will be studied in full, with opportunities for dramatic approaches. Students also take advantage of modern technologies to enhance their learning, carrying out research projects and presentations, as well as using iPads to create graphic novels and short videos. Aspects of functional literacy, including sentence crafting and spelling, are addressed. Assessments in Reading, Writing, and Speaking and Listening take place each term.


English is a core subject, studied by all pupils in Years 10 and 11.  The examination courses aim to provide students with a well-rounded curriculum, focusing on communication skills, as well as the analysis of extended texts.

In Years 10 and 11, students have the opportunity to gain two separate qualifications: English Language and English Literature. These courses are assessed by a combination of controlled assessment, coursework and terminal examination, with Speaking and Listening contributing to the continuous assessment of English Language until 2016.


The English Language course focuses on the production and comprehension of information, in both oral and written forms. Core literacy skills are developed; students are exposed to a range of non-fiction texts, responding in creative forms and matching style to audience and purpose. The external examination requires students to analyze unseen material, understanding the ways in which writers use language to convey ideas.


The English Literature course is designed to foster enjoyment and appreciation of all types of texts, encouraging independent reading skills which may extend beyond the curriculum. Students will evaluate novels, plays, and poetry, considering aspects of language, structure, and form.  Texts studied in recent years include Macbeth, Romeo, and Juliet, The Tempest, Of Mice and Men, To Kill a Mockingbird and An Inspector Calls, as well as poetry from an AQA Anthology.



English Language at AS and A2 Level is aimed at those students who are curious to learn more about the linguistic side of the subject.  It provides an interesting departure to English at GCSE Level. Students will consider the nature of language, exploring varied and diverse examples of spoken and written sources.  They will also produce pieces of their own investigative and original writing.

Topics studied include Categorising Texts, Language and Power, Language and Gender, Language and Society, Language Change, Child Language Acquisition, Language and the Individual, Language Varieties.


The AS and A Level courses in English Literature involve the close study of a range of texts, including both Pre-Twentieth and Twentieth Century literature.  Students will be required to read and analyze a range of novels, plays, poetry, and literary criticism. These texts will be considered in relation to their social, cultural and historical background, as students gain an appreciation of the development of literature over time. Texts are chosen to provide a breadth of experience, provoking thought, discussion, and debate.

Topics studied include The Struggle for Identity in Modern Literature, Love Through The Ages, Creative Prose, and Drama Studies, Extended Shakespeare Study, Texts Across Time, Texts in Shared Contexts.


Qualification: AS and A2 English Literature

  • Year of Examination Entry: AS exams 2015, A2 exams 2016
    • Examination Board and Code: AQA Specification A, 2740
  • Year of Examination Entry: AS exams 2016, A2 exams 2017
    • Examination Board and Code: AQA Specification A, 7711 (AS), 7712 (A2)

Qualification: AS and A2 English Language

  • Year of Examination Entry: AS exams 2015, A2 exams 2016
    • Examination Board and Code: AQA Specification B, 2705
  • Year of Examination Entry: AS exams 2016, A2 exams 2017
    • Examination Board and Code: AQA, 7701 (AS),  7702 (A2)

Qualification:  GCSE English Literature

  • Year of Examination Entry: 2015 and 2016
    • Examination Board and Code: AQA, 9715
  • Year of Examination Entry: From 2017
    • Examination Board and Code: AQA, 8702

Qualification: GCSE English Language

  • Year of Examination Entry: 2015
    • Examination Board and Code: AQA, 4705

Qualification: IGCSE English Language

  • Year of Examination Entry: 2016
    • Examination Board and Code: Cambridge, 0522
  • Year of Examination Entry: From 2017
    • Examination Board and Code: Cambridge, 0500